The Honfleur tourist office welcomes you to its 2 offices located throughout the area à Honfleur and Beuzeville.

Change of schedule

New opening hours from January 2, 2025

Honfleur office

PeriodOctober to MarchApril to September
Monday to Saturday9h30 - 13h
14h - 17h30
9h30 - 13h
14h - 18h30
Sunday and public holiday9 pm - 30 am
(during school holidays only)
9h30 - 13h
14h - 17h

Beuzeville office

PeriodOctober to MarApril to September
MondayClosed9h30 - 13h
14h - 18h
From Tuesday to Friday9h30 - 13h
14h - 17h30
9h30 - 13h
14h - 18h
Saturday9h30 - 13h9h30 - 13h
14h - 18h
Sunday and public holidayClosed10h - 12h30
(Easter to mid-September only)

As tourist, you will find in our offices all the information necessary for the success of your stay. As a'inhabitant of the territory, you will find information on local associations and events.


Honfleur reception desk

Quai Lepaulmier 14600 Honfleur
02 31 89 23 30

Shop Space 1 Honfleur

The tourist office shop

Discover a wide range of souvenirs, made in France, and you will certainly find a “little something” that will please your family or friends!

Learn more about the store

Beuzeville reception office

52 rue Constant Fouche
27210 Beuzeville
02 32 57 72 10

A little message?

Contact us

Have a question to ask us ? A specific request? Or just want to say hello? Do not hesitate to write to us, we will be happy to answer you within 24 to 48 hours!

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