Immersive journey aboard the Mora, flagship of William the Conqueror

We tested it for you… and we liked it!

This morning, I have a meeting with my colleagues in the heart of Honfleur to visit the show site and its immersive journey of the Mora, the legendary boat with which William, Duke of Normandy, set out to conquer England.

La Mora Honfleur_immersive journey


February 28, 2024. 10 a.m., 6°C. I'm cold. Honfleur is covered with this typically Norman veil which prevents the sun from shining. And this little drizzle that tops it all off… long live Normandy!

September 27, 1066. The winds are favorable, finally. I board the Mora with the Duke of Normandy heading for England.
You follow me ?

Anagram of AMOR…

Mora? Kesaco?

Honfleur from the La Mora construction site

La Mora is the name given to the legendary boat with whom William, Duke of Normandy, crossed the Channel in 1066 to conquer England.
Knowing that this boat really existed but we have no representation other than the one embroidered on the Bayeux tapestry in the 11th century, and imagine that it will come back to life there, right before our eyes with exactly the same techniques as at the time... I find that a bit magical. We arrive at the Bassin de l'Est car park. In front of us, the port of Honfleur, the Vieux Bassin and the Lieutenance are slowly waking up.

Lights and magic

The world tree

We enter the first room. I warm up and am surprised by the particular smell. Bully. Small lights on the ceiling make it look like a starry sky. My childish soul is served! “I'll check that the tree lights up and I'll leave you! » says Hélène who accompanies us for the morning. I then understand that we do not have a sky above our heads, but foliage. That of a tree, Yggdrasil, the world tree of Norse mythology. I suddenly feel very far from Honfleur…


Top visual effects

We are greeted by the gravelly voice of a marine carpenter who will follow us throughout the route. Here we are immersed in the 11th century, in the history of Normandy and the Vikings.

La scenography is extremely careful, the attention to detail is remarkable. “The kids will have a blast in there!” » says a colleague, and he is right 😊 La Mora will make a perfect family activity (from 4-5 I would say, the tree can be a little scary for the little ones 😉)


The expedition is preparing

1000 boats, 3000 horses

Now comes the preparation stage for this famous Channel crossing: we all sit in a scriptorium, facing our modern parchments. Everything goes: where to find men, horses (and the very specific technique to get them on board), the foodstuffs necessary for the trip…I find it super interesting to see “behind the scenes” of such an expedition. Around me, people are smiling, laughing... we're having a really good time!




All aboard!

September 27, 1066, after long months of waiting, the winds are finally favorable. We embark with Guillaume, Duke of Normandy aboard the Mora! Visual effects, screens with trompe-l'oeil projections, larger-than-life settings... Here we are! We hear the wind rising, the wood cracking, the breathing of the horses... the boat saws the waves towards England.


The illusion is there!

The English see us from the coast:

Sire, the Duke of Normandy has as many knights as there are stars in the sky!

(Yes it’s beautiful, it struck me 😊)
October 1066, one of the greatest battles in history begins at Hastings. We entered with the Duke of Normandy, we exited with William the Conqueror.

Naval battles


The last room of the tour revolves around 4 emblematic characters from the naval history of Normandy. On giant screens, we follow the story of Samuel de Champlain or Giovanni de Verrazzano.
This room will particularly delight teachers who will take their students to visit the Mora!

Neither chainsaw nor screwdriver

On to the construction site!

We follow Hélène towards “the nave”, which will house the show site until 2027, when the hull will be launched! Hélène even told us thatin 2030, it will cross the Channel to reach England…a real flashback. It’s a bit dizzying, isn’t it? I think it’s great!

The nave

…which will house the Mora showyard. Launch planned for 2027!

All old-fashioned! They will dig the tree trunks by hand to provide themselves with wood."

DIY fans will be delighted: here, professional carpenters and blacksmiths will build the Mora with their hands, will recreate their own tools exactly as in the 11th century, will dig tree trunks by hand to provide themselves with wood... all this before our eyes! They will also be able to take the time to chat with you and answer your questions. At the same time, the association La Mora is committed to upholding values ​​such as reintegration, access to employment : The Apprentices of Auteuil, people with disabilities, students in training, etc. will be able to make their contribution throughout the construction site.

What we say about it

Reconstruction of La Mora_Honfleur_boat William the Conqueror
La Mora

The word of the team

We loved this meeting with William the Conqueror, this dive into the History of our dear Normandy. Rebuilding the Mora is an ambitious and deserving project, even more so when it is carried out by volunteers. Absolutely worth discovering!

I book my ticket

Good to know

Practical information

Reservation is not obligatory but is strongly recommended. Online ticketing + on site. I want to reserve my seats.

It is entirely possible to obtain a guided tour by a mediator, on request at 02 79 49 15 66. Be sure to anticipate your request.

Yes, the languages ​​available for the course are:

  • English
  • German
  • Dutch

It is possible to organize visits for schools. A dedicated room can accommodate children's workshops. Contact 02 79 49 15 66.

The course and the construction site are open all year round:

  • from April to the end of September: 9 a.m. to 20 p.m. (last departure at 18:50 p.m.)
  • from October to March: 9 a.m. to 17:30 p.m. (last departure at 16:50 p.m.)

Good news ! It is entirely possible to privatize the place. A dedicated room hosts workshops for children or adults, exhibitions, etc. Information on 02 79 49 15 66.

It takes 1h30 in total.

Yes, people with reduced mobility can enjoy the visit, wheelchairs are also available.

Animals are not allowed at Mora.

Café Mathilde welcomes you on its terrace facing the remarkable sites of Honfleur, to sip a drink in complete tranquility. Small meals available.

Admission fees Min. Max.
Basic price – Adult Full price
6,90 € 14,90 €
Child rate
3 € 8,90 €
Reduced price
3,50 € 10,90 €
Low-carbon tariff
3,50 € 10,90 €
Family rate
9,90 € 35,90 €
Firm. Opens at 10:30 p.m.
2 Quai de la Jetée Est BP 10095
14600 Honfleur
Calculate my route

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